Shawn Wiebe Person-Info 

( Ich bin Shawn Wiebe)


(1 - 4 von 6

Firefighter Shawn Wiebe still smiling, one year after iconic flood...
His ability to ‘keep on smiling’ even in the most distressing situation made him the face of the flood. Now, one year after the devastating waters hit southern...

Alberta Flood 2013: Catching up with firefighter Shawn Wiebe | CBC...
CBC catches up to Shawn Wiebe, the firefighter behind one of the most iconic Alberta flood photos from last June. We asked him some questions about how the...

Our firefighter heroes – Shawn Wiebe | Politics | Before It's News
This morning, Danielle got to meet Shawn Wiebe, the Nanton firefighter photographed rescuing an elderly lady from rushing flood waters in ...

Butterfield: Woodworking magic from Eternal Timber & Design – Kelowna...
I stumbled upon a fabulous family-run, local company that designs and builds amazing solid wood furnishings and architectural elements.
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Name "Wiebe" (898)
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