She Was Person-Info 

( Ich bin She Was)


(1 - 4 von 19
) Europe's Deportation Machine

[] Until April, she was a deportation observer at the Hamburg airport, before funding for her position ran out. The resolute, 47-year-old social worker has worked with refugees for around 16 years. She began by visiting detainees waiting to be deported in … We’ll do that to you!

[] Central protests in Hong Kong. She was … Aufstand der Moderatoren

[] Taylor nicht mehr zu Reddit. "She was let go " heißt es offiziell, eine verklausulierte Bezeichnung für "Sie wurde entlassen". Über die genauen … Who Is Allowed to Live?

[] was merely a precaution. She was already 35 when her first son, Lars, was born, and she had also had an amniocentesis done at the time. Her pregnancy was considered risky given her age. Today she would have had to …
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