Sherif M. Elrakabawy und Startups Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sherif M. Elrakabawy)
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Egypt's 20 most promising startups revealed: Forbes
— While studying at the University of California in Berkeley, Sherif ElRakabawy developed the idea for the site. Along with his school friend ... › egypt...

Arab Finance - News Egyptian startups make it onto Forbes’ top...
Ranked at 48th in Forbes' list was Yaoota, founded in by Founded Sherif ElRakabawy and Mohamed Ewis. At the core of their business, the company compares prices across online stores, such as Souq and Jumia, obtaining revenue through cost-per-click. In 2015, the startup closed a massive $

Forbes announces 20 most promising Egyptian Startups
— Second on the list is Yaoota, a price comparison tool developed by Sherif ElRakabawy and Mohamed Ewis in ›