Sian Ellen Jones Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sian Ellen Jones)


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Gastschülerinnen gefällt es auf dem Fehn – General-Anzeiger
Ellen Jones aus St. Johnsbury (Vermont, USA) und Freya Brinkmann aus einem Dorf nahe der dänischen Stadt Silkeborg verbringen ihr ...

Generation profiles: Ellen Jones - BBC News
Ellen Jones, from Flintshire, is in the BBC Generation panel of young people talking about life in the UK ahead of the general election.

'Horrific and life-changing' This speeding taxi driver injured a...
Abdul Ullah, 35, has been jailed after leaving midwife Sian Jones in hospital following a crash in Cardiff which saw him 'flash' past pedestrians at 50mph

Amnesty's Balkans expert, Sian Jones, pointed out that victims' families had never obtained redress for the consequences of this war crime, and that “ten years ...
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