Silke Schelenz und London Person-Info 

( Ich bin Silke Schelenz)
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EMMERSON - DeathsThe Telegraph
Memorial Service: 17 July, 3 p.m., St Olave's Church, Hart St., London EC4. Added 14 years, 10 months ago. Placed by silke schelenz. Online ref:

Alfred Michael Emmerson | RCP MuseumRoyal College of Physicians of London
When he died from mesothelioma, he was survived by his second wife, Silke Schelenz, a consultant in microbiology and infection control at the Royal Brompton ...

GAIN The evolving host: how the environment, patient and ...Royal College of Pathologists
... Public Health Wales Microbiology, Cardiff; Dr. Tihana Bicanic, St George's, University of London; Dr. Silke Schelenz, King's College Hospital.

1. Dortmunder Tag der Krankenhaushygiene Klinikum › newsartikel › 1-dortmunder-tag-der-krankenhaushy...
· ... gramnegativen Bakterien und Dr. Silke Schelenz aus London referierte über Pilze als gefährliche Infektionserreger auf Intensivstationen.