Simon Armitage Person-Info 

( Ich bin Simon Armitage)


(1 - 4 von 65
) Der moderne Mensch eroberte direkt Arabien | Telepolis

Homo sapiens machte sich viel früher als bisher angenommen von Afrika aus auf den Weg direkt Richtung Osten

Simon Armitage: Ode to my hero, John Keats | Times2 | The › article › simon-armitage-ode-...
· Simon Armitage: Ode to my hero, John Keats. The poet laureate explains why Keats, who died 200 years ago, is still relevant, as he reveals a new ...Place of death: Rome

Simon Armitage on his new band LYR: 'This is definitely not rap' › London Inside › Music
Record deal: from left, Richard Walters, Simon Armitage and Patrick Pearson have made a sad and beautiful album out in May ( Matt Writtle ).

Simon Armitage pens poem on cancer pill - BBC › news
Poet Laureate Simon Armitage has had his latest work micro-engraved on to the face of a cancer pill. The poem, entitled Finishing It, is his ...
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