Simon Fried und Nano Dimension Person-Info 

( Ich bin Simon Fried)
(1 - 36 von 44

Nano Dimension introduces highly conductive silver nanoparticle inks...
Nano Dimension Ltd., a leading 3D and electronics printing company based in Ness-Ziona, Israel, has recently unveiled its AgCite line of conductive silver...

Nano Dimension Adds Electricity to Multimaterial 3D Printing >...
Nano Dimension CBO Simon Fried discusses the company's PCB 3D ... to monitor such energies as magnetism, radiation and temperature.

Nano Dimension reports preliminary Q2, H results, appoints...
In one further movement Simon Fried, Nano Dimension's CBO and Co-Founder, has stepped down from his executive role, though he plans to ...

Nano Dimension presents 3D printed electronics at SWW TCT...
3D design software from Dassault Systèmes’ SOLIDWORKS helped develop the DragonFly D printer for next-generation electronics - in all shapes and sizes...