Simone During Person-Info 

( Ich bin Simone During)


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Branford southpaws paved way for magical run
[Shore Line Times] - About the stretch in which Simone may have been better was earlier in the season against Guilford, East Haven and Derby in which he went innings

Nina Simone: An artist and activist revisited - CNN
Patti LaBelle, bottom left, sings with Simone during the Rainforest Foundation Concert in New York. In the top row, from left, are Anoushka ...

117-year-old Manchester theatre was 'at risk' 12 months ago ...
The Playhouse theatre in Hulme dates back to and saw performances by Nina Simone during its hey-day. During the 1950s it was used by the BBC as a ...

I Coast to try ICC-wanted ex-first lady
Ivory Coast will try former first lady Simone Gbagbo, wanted by the ICC for alleged crimes against humanity, in a domestic court.
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