Simone Zimmerman und Bernie Sanders Person-Info 

( Ich bin Simone Zimmerman)
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Simone Zimmerman | The Times of › topic › simone-zimmerman
Simone Zimmerman ; March 6, 2019, 1:49 am. Bernie Sanders staffer fired for anti-Netanyahu rant hired to run B'Tselem USA. By ToI Staff ; August 20, 2018, 6:26 am.

Bernie's pick for Jewish outreach director is inspiring. It's also bad › news-and-politics › › bernies-pi...
· The hiring of Simone Zimmerman to be Bernie Sanders' new Jewish outreach director demonstrates everything that is inspiring about Sanders as ...

Is Israel keeping a 'blacklist' of its critics? - CNN
One week earlier, Simone Zimmerman, a former adviser to Bernie Sanders and co-founder of If Not Now, which opposes Israel's occupation of ...

Sanders' Jewish outreach coordinator under fire after anti-Netanyahu...
Bernie Sanders’ new Jewish outreach coordinator is under fire -- and reportedly has been suspended -- over controversial and profane remarks she made on social...