Sleeping Beauty und Ballet Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sleeping Beauty)
(1 - 27 von 43

The Sleeping Beauty | The Washington Ballet
February 27, – March 3, | The romantic and timeless tale of a magical kiss and the beloved story of Princess Aurora, her handsome prince…

Guardian: Wakey-wakey: American Ballet Theatre’s new Sleeping Beauty | American...

Alexei Ratmansky is aiming to make his new production of the classic ballet as close to Marius Petipa’s original as he can – and the dancers are rising to...

Sleeping Beauty, Royal Ballet, review
In the Royal Ballet's production of Sleeping Beauty, Steven McRae works his magic on moves that pass unnoticed in lesser hands, says Louise Levene

Review: ABT's 'Sleeping Beauty' at Segerstrom a lush return to...
American Ballet Theatre's 'The Sleeping Beauty' at the Segerstrom Center is a sumptuously pleasurable take on classical dance.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Sleeping Beauty
Vorname "Sleeping" (4)
Name "Beauty" (234)