Sofia Petrova und Siberia Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sofia Petrova)
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US girl Sofia Petrova, 15, 'stranded' in Siberia after being sent there › Lifestyle › Parenting
· Sofia Petrova was a high school student in Virginia when her mother sent her on what she was told would be a three-week trip to Siberia to meet ...

Mom banishes US raised daughter Sofia Petrova to Siberia for...
· Sofia Petrova, (Sofia Roberts) is living on her own in Siberia because her mother, an immigrant from Russia, doesn't approve of her ...

US girl Sofia Petrova, 15, 'stranded' in Siberia after being sent there › lifestyle › parenting
· Sofia Petrova says her mother sent her to Siberia from the US when she was 15 and won't let her come home, more than two years later.

US girl Sofia Petrova, 15, 'stranded' in Siberia after being ...Townsville Bulletin
— US girl Sofia Petrova, 15, 'stranded' in Siberia after being sent there by mother Natalia Roberts. A US girl who was sent by her mother to ...
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