Sonam Zoksang und Tibet Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sonam Zoksang)
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Schedule of events in conjunction with Dalai Lama's › news › apr › schedule-e...
· 3-6 p.m. - Photos of Tibet by Sonam Zoksang, and photos of Tibetans living in exile in India by Stephen Ironside.

Dalai Lama, Barack Obama discuss promotion of oneness ...
File photo/Sonam Zoksang. Tibet Sun Newsroom. McLEOD GANJ, India, 1 December Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama met with former US President ... › news

Celebrated Tibetan Folk Singer Techung | Rubin Museum of Art
Tibetan opera comes alive when the celebrated Tibetan folk and freedom singer Techung performs at the Rubin. The program includes Pema Woeber, depicting the...

Litchfield readies for second TibetFest - The Register Citizen
— A participant in last year's festival, Sonam Zoksang, who has lived in New York for the past 20 years, said Litchfield's Tibet Fest is ... › L...