Sonia Back Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sonia Back)


(1 - 4 von 38

Sonia present, but MPs absent
[Indian Express] - While Congress president Sonia Gandhi prefers to lead by example, her party MPs refuse to follow. Or so it seemed from the way Congress MPs continued to

CM, MPCC chief back from Delhi
[KanglaOnline] - While in Delhi Ibobi also met various Union ministers and the Congress high command, Sonia Gandhi to discuss the existing tense situation in the wake of an

'Axed' community festival is back on
[Tottenham, Wood Green and Edmonton Journal] - Haringey Council's new neighbourhood manager for the area, Sonia Edwards, had offered to help fund the festival in the wake of the dispute.

Congress on back foot over Liberhan Report, BJP gets United
[BreakingNewsOnline.] - Congress President Sonia Gandhi has called a meeting of top leaders, including Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee and Defence Minister AK Antony to discuss
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