Sophia Ioannou Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sophia Ioannou)


(1 - 4 von 14

Child Migrants on Hunger Strike - TIME
Europe's increasingly dire struggle with … immigration has reached a new …e on a Greek island

BBC NEWS | Europe | Greece accused of refugee neglect
The Greek government stands accused of neglecting 140 war refugees who have been evicted from their reception centre on Patmos.

Heart problems rare for remote Greek monks: doctors | Reuters
Monks from medieval male-only communities on Greece's Mount Athos have far lower levels of heart and lung disease than average Europeans despite only...

Guardian: The Greek tech revolution: meet the citizens battling corruption |...

Despite technophobia, a brain drain and a government that struggles to keep up, ordinary Greeks are using technology to tackle fraud and tax evasion
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Vorname "Sophia" (8828)
Name "Ioannou" (153)
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