Sophia Roosth Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sophia Roosth)


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Ethicality of a new stem-cell research | Deccan Herald
As biological research races forward, ethical quandaries are piling up. In a report published on March

Synthetic biology's ties to our humanity let it elude definition ...
Sophia Roosth's Synthetic: How life got made delves into the history, anthropology and society of synthetic biology to get a handle on the field ...

Akzentfrei mit Yoko Tawada | BuchMarkt
Eine Anleitung (Klett-Cotta) Sophia Roosth beschreibt, wie die synthetische Biologie entstand und wohin sie steuert: Synthetic. How Life Got Made ...

Come and Forget the Organism, with Sophia Roosth
Sophia Roosth is the Frederick S. Danziger Associate Professor in the Department of the History of Science at ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Sophia Roosth
Karel Svoboda
Vorname "Sophia" (8828)
Name "Roosth" (6)
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