Sophie McCartney Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sophie McCartney)


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Sophie McCartney: The comedian giving mums the Attenborough treatment...
· Comedian Sophie McCartney has won an award for her Attenborough-style videos about motherhood.Es fehlt: Herne, Westf" · Comedian Sophie McCartney has won an award for her Attenborough-style videos about motherhood. Es fehlt: Herne, Westf"

Warrington comedian and social media sensation talks ...Yahoo
vor 7 Tagen — Sophie McCartney, from Liverpool but now living in Warrington, has been lauded for her take on modern motherhood, and has now written her ... › warr...

Little boy steals the show interrupting mum's live TV interview by...
At one point he flung his little body back against the sofa and pretended to sleep

Sohpie’s Got Talent - Daily Record
SOPHIE McCartney was on song when she won the talent contest at Paisley’s first West End Fair.
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