Sophie Moonen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sophie Moonen)


77th Lunch Talk Competition Enforcement in the Time of Big › events
Speakers: Sophie MOONEN, DG COMP, European Commission Miranda COLE, Covington Matthew BENNETT, CRA Moderator: Damien GERARD, GCLCPre.

European Shipping Week welcomes keynote speakers and panelists |...
Sophie Moonen, Head of Unite State Aid Transport, DG Comp Markku Mylly, Executive Director, EMSA Thomas Abrahamson, European Transport Workers' ...

Movers and Shakers | 12 September 2016
Keep track of developments in the European institutions and public affairs with our movers and shakers column.

POLITICO Brussels Playbook — Migration political crisis — Vestager’s...
EVENTS: 1) Sophie Moonen, head of DG COMP's telecoms units, is speaking at Britcham — get in quick for the telco strategic insights of Team ...
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Miranda Cole
Vorname "Sophie" (15476)
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