Sound Light Person-Info 

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Guardian: Tree of Codes review – a jerky locomotion of sound, light and color |...

This collaboration between Jamie xx, Wayne McGregor and Olafur Eliasson may not be profound, but it has a historical precedent in attempting to combine art...

A Sound-&-Light Lab | STYLEPARK
As part of the Luminale, artist collective RaumZeitPiraten created an experimental sound-&-light lab in a church, evoking somber counterworlds in the process.

Guardian: Sound, light and water waves and how scientists worked out › science › feb › sound-light-water-waves-prin...

Sound, light and water waves and how scientists worked out the mathematics. What violins have in common with the sea – the wave principle.

Not a smooth ride: A brief history of Puget Sound light rail |...
This is part of a Sound Publishing special report on the Sound Transit 3 expansion proposal, which is on the ballot on Nov. 8. More
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