South Ural Person-Info 

( Ich bin South Ural)


(1 - 4 von 21
) Benefitting from the Crisis: Russia's Factories Gear Up for...

Some companies have hired Western consultancies to help redesign Soviet-era plant floors, cut costs and boost productivity. It's working.

International Semiar on Eastern and European History (South Ural State University/Universität Basel/Chelyabinsk State University) Link zum deutschen Artikel

Myths and mysteries: The map from South Ural - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
Myths and mysteries: The map from South Ural ... Today, such maps are being made by the US by the use of many powerful computers.

French institute suspects nuclear accident in Russia or Kazakhstan in...
A cloud of radioactive pollution over Europe in recent weeks indicates that an accident has happened in a nuclear facility in Russia or Kazakhstan in the last...
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Vorname "South" (174)
Name "Ural" (259)
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