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Make box puppets in 3 steps | Deseret News
Before you begin making your puppets, collect a few empty food boxes, such as single-portion cereal boxes, which are quite easy for younger children to manipulate. As your cast of puppet characters grows, it's definitely fun to use boxes in a range of shapes and sizes. Here's what you need for your puppet ...

Guardian: Dolly Parton & Jack White: your puppets - GuardianWitness

In the June issue of Do Something, we showed you how to make fingerpuppets of Dolly Parton and Jack White, who will be starring at Glastonbury this week. What did your puppets get up to? We'd love to see your pictures and videos. Please upload high-resolution versions as we'll feature our favourites in the July issue.

Image - We are not your puppets.jpg | Fairy Tail Wiki | FANDOM ...
Summary Licensing Fair use rationale Description Not your puppets Source Fairy Tail Manga by...

Where Do Your Puppets Play? | Merrimack Public Library
If your puppets need a place to perform, you don't want to miss "Where Do Your Puppets Play?" on Tuesday, July 11 at 1:00 PM. During this program, we will use tri-fold poster boards to create stages where our puppets can put on many happy productions. This program is for children ages 6 to 10. Children ...
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