Stanley McChrystal und Obama Person-Info 

( Ich bin Stanley McChrystal)
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Wartime lessons testing Obama
[Sarasota Herald-Tribune] - Stanley A. McChrystal got in trouble in June for comments by him and his staff in Rolling Stone magazine, Gates favored reprimanding the commander.

Hawks Box in Obama on Afghan War
[Consortium News] - Stanley McChrystal, who was commander of US and allied forces in Afghanistan until he became the subject of a Rolling Stone article, “Runaway General,” in

US-Militärs gegen Obamas Abzugstermin
[] - Man erinnert sich an den anderen Oberkommandierenden Stanley McChrystal. Er wurde entlassen, weil er Obama kritisiert hatte. James Conway geht demnächst

Senate ratifies top posts
[New Zealand Herald] - Petraeus took control of the operations in Afghanistan after General Stanley McChrystal was fired. Obama's nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court