Stefan Burke und Kevin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Stefan Burke)
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Two brothers give a kidney each to total strangers through ...Mirror
— Stefan Burke and Kevin Burke. Badge of honour: Stefan and Kevin show off their operation scars (. Image: Ross Parry).

Siblings Kevin and Stefan Burke both donate kidneysGive a Kidney
Siblings Kevin and Stefan Burke both decided to donate a kidney to a stranger. They tell their story in the Daily Mirror. Give a Kidney. £ Support Us ...

Two selfless brothers give gift of life to others – after BOTH...
· Stefan Burke and Kevin Burke both brothers from Manchester donated their kidneys (SWNS Group) Siblings Stefan, 29, and Kevin Burke, 27, went through major …

Two brothers give a kidney each to total strangers through donor...
Kevin Burke decided to give someone the gift of life – and in some good-natured sibling rivalry, Stefan was determined not to be outdone