Stefan Holst und Klimaengineering Person-Info 

( Ich bin Stefan Holst)
(1 - 10 von 11

Stefan Holst: Aiming for No Impact | Transsolar | KlimaEngineering
Stefan Holst will speak at the Facades+ NYC on April 4th about "Aiming for No Impact". We discuss the impact of our work on the environment almost on a daily basis and being engineers we take pride in aiming for the most challenging goals: so why take "low impact" for granted... there must be a way to design "no impact" and at the ...

Stefan Holst: Aiming for No Impact | Transsolar | KlimaEngineering
Stefan Holst spricht auf der Veranstaltung Facades+ NYC am 4. April über " Aiming for No Impact", also die Zielsetzung ohne (negativen) ...