Stefan Mannsfeld und Michael Person-Info 

( Ich bin Stefan Mannsfeld)
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A record-setting way to make transparent conductors—spread them like...
Bao's group developed this "solution shearing" technique in close collaboration with Michael Toney and Stefan Mannsfeld, staff scientists at SLAC's Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL), whose teams used X-rays to look at the structures and properties of the finished films. A record-setting way to make transparent conductors—spread them like butter on toast. A close-up of the solution shearing apparatus. Transparent conductors made with the ...

Molecular Alignment Gives Monolayers the Edge in Bendable...
— Staff scientists Stefan Mannsfeld and Michael Toney and Zhenan Bao of Stanford University used SSRL's bright X-rays to determine how pentacene ... › news ›