Stephan Pastis und Timmy Failure Person-Info 

( Ich bin Stephan Pastis)
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Guardian: Stephan Pastis: When I was a lawyer I was drawing all the › nov › ste...

Cartoonist and author Stephan Pastis gets quizzed about life and his bestselling Timmy Failure series by The Fun Book and Biscuit Club.

'Timmy Failure' feeds Stephan Pastis' success - Los Angeles Times
'Timmy Failure' feeds Stephan Pastis' success

Guardian: Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made by Stephan Pastis – review | Books...

Philip Ardagh enjoys the hilarious antics of an all-American schoolkid detective who travels on a Segway and hangs out with a polar bear

STEPHAN PASTIS - Timmy Failure | › event › st...
NATIONAL LAUNCH EVENT! (There will be cake!) Bestselling Author & Creator of Pearls Before Swine STEPHAN PASTIS speaking & signing
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Name "Pastis" (10)