Stephanie Schörner Person-Info 

( Ich bin Stephanie Schörner)


(1 - 4 von 8

An Analysis of How AI Processes Its Information
— They have brought together the seemingly incompatible inductive approach of machine learning with deductive logic: Stephanie Schörner, ... › News

How artificial intelligence can explain its decisions - EurekAlert!
— image: They've brought together the seemingly incompatible inductive approach of machine learning with deductive logic: Stephanie Schörner, ... › news-...

How artificial intelligence can explain its decisions - Nanowerk
— “At first glance, inductive AI and the deductive scientific method seem almost incompatible,” says Stephanie Schörner, a physicist who ... › news2

How artificial intelligence can explain its decisions - News8Plus
— “At first glance, inductive AI and the deductive scientific method seem almost incompatible,” says Stephanie Schörner, a physicist who ... › Tech
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