Stephen C. Hair und Ebenezer Scrooge Person-Info 

( Ich bin Stephen C. Hair)
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Actor Stephen Hair on why playing Scrooge never gets boring - The...
Stephen Hair has played Ebenezer Scrooge in Theatre Calgary’s production of A Christmas Carol for 21 years

23 times a Scrooge and no 2 the same: Stephen Hair's ever-evolving...
For 23 years in a row, Stephen Hair has played the embittered old miser Ebenezer Scrooge in Theatre Calgary's production of A Christmas Carol — each time bringing a new dimension to the Christmas-hating moneylender.

A Christmas Carol never gets old for its star -
For more than two decades, Stephen Hair has been a big part of many Calgarians' Christmas traditions.Hair, 67, has played Ebenezer Scrooge ...
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Vorname "Stephen" (9320)
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