Stephen Pimbley und Wollongong Person-Info 

( Ich bin Stephen Pimbley)
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Meet the architect set to transform Wollongong CBD | St George &...
NSW: Singapore-based British architect Stephen Pimbley is set to turn his talents to an infamous Wollongong block of land.

Independent report questions 'gateway' high rise development proposal...
Aspects of development proposal for a Wollongong site part owned by Wollongong City Council have been questioned by a consultant and former town planner.

Bass and Flinders Gateway development set to transform Wollongong |...
Spark Architects has unveiled plans for a new development project to be located at the gateway to the coastal city of Wollongong.

New Wollongong building plans to reach for the sky - ABC News
British born, Singapore based architect Stephen Pimbley says it's good to create debate and discussion around the use of the site. "People are ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Stephen Pimbley
Vorname "Stephen" (9320)
Name "Pimbley" (6)