Steve Antcliff und Adidas Person-Info 

( Ich bin Steve Antcliff)
(1 - 9 von 11

Adidas calls in fitness experts to revive Reebok | Reuters
Reebok is turning to sponsorship deals with prominent fitness groups to try to revive a venerable name that has faded since it became part of Germany's Adidas...

globo: Adidas se aproxima de experts em fitness para reviver › Economia

· ... disse o ex-triatleta Steve Antcliff, que administra uma academia na cidade alemã de Frankfurt que oferece aulas de "CrossFit", ...

Adidas calls in fitness experts to revive Reebok - Fashion ...
"They had a sticky patch, but now the shoes and gear are good," said former triathlete Steve Antcliff who runs a gym in the German city of Frankfurt ... › ad...

Adidas apunta al 'fitness' para revivir Reebok - › article
· “Tuvieron un mal momento, pero su calzado y vestimenta son buenos”, dice Steve Antcliff, un extriatleta que dirige un gimnasio en la ciudad ...