Steven Curnow und Bernall Person-Info 

( Ich bin Steven Curnow)
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Columbine High School Shootings Fast Facts - CNN
Cassie Bernall, 17. Steven Curnow, 14. Corey DePooter, 17. Kelly Fleming, 16. Matthew Kechter, 16. Daniel Mauser, 15. Daniel Rohrbough, 15 › › Pages › LIBR...
Kacey Reugsegger. Jeanna Park. Valeen Schnurr. Danny Steepleton. Evan Todd. The deceased were identified as follows: Cassie Bernall. Steven Curnow.

Columbine 24 years on: Survivors and victim's families speak about › World
· The gunmen mercilessly took the lives of their fellow students; Cassie Bernall, 17, Steven Curnow, 14, Corey DePooter, 17, Kelly Fleming,

10 Years: Columbine High School Solemnly Marks … Anniversary

Both events are free and open to the public. Remembering The Victims: Cassie Bernall. Steven Curnow. Corey DePooter. Kelly Fleming.
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