Steven Younkin und Chromosome Person-Info 

( Ich bin Steven Younkin)
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Faulty gene may cause Alzheimer's in women | The Independent
Medicine A faulty gene on the female X chromosome may contribute to the development of Alzheimer's disease in women, scientists said yesterday.

Researchers Spot A Region On Chromosome 10 That May Be Associated...
The first important clue about the genetic cause of late-onset Alzheimer's, and the observation that inspired the current research, came from Steven Younkin's laboratory at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. Researchers noticed that all three genes that cause the rare early-onset form of the disease ...

Variants in gene on X chromosome associated with increased...
... two copies," says the study's senior investigator, Steven Younkin, M.D., Ph.D., a consultant-researcher at Mayo Clinic's campus in Florida and ...