Sure To Take Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sure To Take)


(1 - 4 von 25

Taz: Hier spricht der Aushilfshausmeister! » Viele Milchkühe/1...

Helmut Höge, taz-Kolumnist und Aushilfshausmeister bloggt aus dem Biotop, dem die tägliche taz entspringt.

Yes, deliver the shamrock to Trump — but be sure to take him to task...
certain that on March 17, barring some intervention of mortal fate, ...

Rail-financing controversy sure to take politicians’ futures for a...
Few songs are sung about politicians voting for tax increases for a project with wavering public support. Read More ...

California's GDP varies across the state | The Sacramento Bee
California’s gross domestic project is the highest in the nation, and among the highest in the world. But there are wide regional differences in per capita...
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