Susan Pratt Person-Info 

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Reconfiguration Lawsuit Superior Cour...
[Voices] - Attorney Roseann Padula, on behalf of Region 14, said the factual differences between the Region 12 and Region 14 cases are significant.

Google News: Class size and school configuration a...

[Ridgefield Press] the PTA focus groups were organized by Ms. Singh-Smith, Ms. Pratt, Sheila Parikh, Margaret Stamatis, Sandy Carpenter, Meme Sasse, and Deirdre Basile.

School honors
[Ithaca Journal] Carrie Grieger, Cristina Henry, Ashley Jackson, Peter Jackson, Mikhail Kern, Kathleen Mulhern, Aimee Newman, Julie Noe, Brittany Perry, Charles Pratt

Region 14 Plaintiffs Lose a Round
[Litchfield County Times] - WOODBURY-Litchfield Superior Court Judge John Pickard decided in favor of the Region 14 Board of Education last week on the issue of reconfiguration of the
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