Susana Baca und Afro-Peruvian Person-Info 

( Ich bin Susana Baca)
(1 - 16 von 19

Susana Baca: the sensuous voice of Afro-Peruvians | The Seattle Times
Listening to Susana Baca's recordings can be deeply pleasurable. But seeing her perform live is dreamy. Onstage the Afro-Peruvian singer...

Afro-Peruvian Activist and Musician Susana Baca is Peru's New...
Susana Baca is a singer-songwriter and Afro-Peruvian activist in Peru. She is now Peru's new minister of culture. Mirissa Neff reports from San Francisco.

Gig Alerts: Susana Baca | Soundcheck | WNYC
The Afro-Peruvian singer songwriter takes the stage at Le Poisson Rouge on Sunday. Download her take on

Susana Baca
Sinuous in her movements, zen-like in her onstage presence, the Afro-Peruvian singer Susana Baca immersed herself in her Dublin…