Swapan Datta und Rice Research Person-Info 

( Ich bin Swapan Datta)
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Scientists behind 'golden rice' GM crop to receive ...www.independent.co.uk › News › Science

Biotechnologist Dr. Swapan Datta inspects a 'Golden Rice' plant at the International Rice Research Institute ( Getty Images ). The scientists who ...

CropBiotech Update: August 20, isaaawww.isaaa.org › CBTNews › Aug › CBT_Aug_20

This was the view of Dr. Swapan Datta, scientist at the International Rice Research Institute in Los Baños, Philippines, who discussed the potential benefits of ...

IRRI News: IRRI participates in 49th Annual Rice Research meetings in...

Photos, clockwise starting in upper right: 1) Swapan Datta, deputy director general (crop science), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, and ...