Sweet Lala Person-Info 

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Sweet LaLa's Bakery to open in East Memphis' Regalia Shopping Center

Sweet LaLa's Bakery is expanding beyond the online cookie business. On March 21, they will open in a retail space in East Memphis.

On a Mission to 'Make Life Sweeter': Sweet LaLa's Bakery to ...www.boyle.com › news › on-a-mission-to-make-...

Sweet LaLa's bakery has become famous for its signature cookies. The cookies are soft, sweet and dense, more like a tea cake than a cookie, ...

David Waters: Holiday gifts that keep us giving

Local social entrepreneurs give community a way to give back for holidays.

Sweet LaLa's Bakery to open in Regalia Center

Sweet LaLa's Bakery will open in Regalia Center in early Known for its sweet iced cookies, Sweet LaLa's new space will include a cafe.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Sweet Lala
Vorname "Sweet" (407)
Name "Lala" (1502)
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