Syed Dawood Person-Info 

( Ich bin Syed Dawood)


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Quetta-Sherani draw 1-1 as Balochistan Football final round begins |...
Quetta DFA and Sherani teams played the first match of the final round of PPL Balochistan Football Cup at Government High School Yazdan Khan Ground, Quetta

Pakistan blasts: Government tries to placate Shia protesters - BBC...
· The president of the Shia Conference, Syed Dawood Agha, told the BBC that his community would not bury its dead till the army had given an ...

All Quetta victims buried - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
"All dead bodies have been buried", Syed Dawood Agha, the President Balochistan Shia Conference said. Emotional movements were ...

Hazarath Syed Dawood Auliya Venadu Dargah Sullurpeta
Hazarath Syed Dawood Auliya Venadu Dargah (Sullurpeta), Sound of Heart beat comes from Darga (It is Wonder) Friends watch this, Know About Venadu ...
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Name "Dawood" (121)
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