Sylvia Stroher Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sylvia Stroher)


(1 - 4 von 8
) "Forbes"-Liste: 57 Deutsche sind Dollar-Milliardäre - DER SPIEGEL

Noch nie war die Liste der Superreichen so lang: Laut US-Magazin

The world’s billionaires according to Forbes magazine | The Seattle...
The world's billionaires, according to Forbes magazine By The Associated Press The ranking of the world's richest people as estimated by...

List of Billionaires - The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Sylvia Stroher, Germany, 52, $1.9, cosmetics Andreas von Bechtolsheim, Germany, 51, $1.9, Google Jose Maria Aristrain, Spain, 44, $1.8, steel › ...
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