Sylvie Guillem und Akram Khan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sylvie Guillem)
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Sylvie Guillem @ Festival Equilibrio | British Council
The great dancer in her final dance programme,with two choreographies by Akram Khan and Russell Maliphant

Sylvie Guillem – Life in Progress
Hailed as one of the greatest dancers of her generation, Sylvie Guillem embarks on her final world tour, in a programme that features new works by Akram Khan...

Sylvie Guillem, Akram Khan and Tokyo Ballet take up residency in...
An emblematic modern dance duet, a choreography created specially for Rudolf Nureyev and Margot Fonteyn, a “ballet class” designed by Danish choreographer...

Sylvie Guillem and Akram Khan in Sacred Monsters – in pictures -...
Kathak meets ballet in this duet first performed at Sadler’s Wells in and now back for its final run of performances before Guillem’s retirementReview:...