Tam Huynh Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tam Huynh)


Jeffco grand jury indicts baby-formula bandits – The Denver Post

Tam Huynh and Thuy Nguyen are suspected of acting as the “fences,” finding buyers and handling the sale and distribution of the stolen baby ...

Tam Huynh and Thuy Nguyen plead guilty to being the Enfamil Bandits:...

Most young parents will tell you that baby formula is so expensive it could be made out of gold. But for Tam Huynh and Thuy Nguyen, it was basically the...

Baby formula bandits plead guilty in Jeffco – The Denver Postwww.denverpost.com › › baby-formula...

· Tam Huynh pleaded guilty to racketeering, a violation of the Colorado Organized Crime Control Act, a felony. Thuy Nguyen pleaded guilty to ...
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