Tanja Day Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tanja Day)


The Railroad Track Theory : A Social Schism In Pembroke? A ...

As a university town, it should have a movie theatre, a bowling alley, those kinds of things. But I don't think they see themselves as a university town, and this is causing them to miss a very big resource." Tanja Day, sophomore editor of the PSU yearbook during the fall semester of 1989, is less hesitant about endorsing the ...

Dem demografischen Wandel gerecht werden

... Jonathan Schulz, Moacir Junior Silva Alves do Nascimento, Dana Beck, Eva Bogdan, Tanja Day, Sabrina Moy, Edita Ostojic und Elzbieta Szafraniec. ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Tanja Day
Person "Day" (1)
Vorname "Tanja" (38647)
Name "Day" (1949)
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