Tansu Celikel und Christof Niehrs Person-Info 

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Dickkopf deficiency improves cognitive performance

· Desirée R.M. Seib, Nina S. Corsini, Kristina Ellwanger, Christian Plaas, Alvaro Mateos, Claudia Pitzer, Christof Niehrs, Tansu Celikel and Ana Martin-Villalba: Loss of Dickkopf-1 restores neurogenesis in old age and counteracts cognitive decline. CELL Stem Cell 12 (2),

Erziehungskunst – Waldorfpädagogik heute: …

Désirée R.M. Seib, Nina S. Corsini, Kristina Ellwanger, Christian Plaas, Alvaro Mateos, Claudia Pitzer, Christof Niehrs, Tansu Celikel und Ana Martin-Villalba: Loss of Dickkopf-1 restores neurogenesis in old age and counteracts cognitive decline. CELL Stem Cell 2013, DOI: j.stem