Tanya Luhrmann Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tanya Luhrmann)


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Spiegel.de: Schizophrenie: Stimmen im Kopf unterscheiden sich zwischen Kulturen -...

Was Schizophrene in ihrem Kopf hören, hängt von der Kultur ab, in der sie leben. In der westlichen Welt sind die Stimmen meist bedrohlich und böse, in Indien...

31st Martin Lecture Dr. Tanya Luhrmann "The Voices of Spirits ...wheatoncollege.edu › event › 31st-martin-lecture...

Tanya Luhrmann is the Watkins University Professor in the Anthropology Department at Stanford University, the author of When God Talks Back ...

Conversations with Grantees: Tanya Luhrmann - John Templeton...

In this conversation with grantee Tanya Luhrmann, professor of anthropology at Stanford University and author of When God Talks Back, she ...

Stirling Lecture – Professor Tanya Luhrmann | Staff and Student News

Tanya Luhrmann's work focuses on the edge of experience: on voices, visions, the supernatural and the world of psychosis. Drawing on ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Tanya Luhrmann
Marie Luhrmann
Vorname "Tanya" (3322)
Name "Luhrmann" (24)
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