Tara Sweeney und Alaska Native Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tara Sweeney)
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Alaska Native executive Tara Sweeney named to top Bureau of Indian...

President Donald Trump is making history with the nomination of an Alaska Native to serve as the leader of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Tara Sweeney Makes History as First Alaska Native to Serve as the...

Tara Sweeney Makes History as First Alaska Native to Serve as the Assistant Secretary for Indian AffairsJul 2, 2018News ← Previous Article Next Article → Last...

Alaskan chosen by President Trump for top Indian Affairs job

An Alaska Native corporation leader, Tara Sweeney, is being nominated by President Trump to oversee Indian Affairs for the U.S. Department of Interior.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Tara Sweeney
Donald Trump
Vorname "Tara" (3595)
Name "Sweeney" (700)