Tara Sweeney und Department Person-Info 

( Ich bin Tara Sweeney)
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Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Tara Sweeney to the Department of...

If confirmed, Tara Sweeney of Alaska will serve as an Assistant Secretary of the Interior, Indian Affairs, in the Trump administration.

Alaskan chosen by President Trump for top Indian Affairs job

An Alaska Native corporation leader, Tara Sweeney, is being nominated by President Trump to oversee Indian Affairs for the U.S. Department of Interior.

Trump’s Interior Department is flooded with industry lobbyists |...

Tara Sweeney, assistant secretary of Indian affairs, is a former aide to Alaska Gov. Frank Murkowski. A Native Alaskan, she lobbied for decades to open the environmentally sensitive Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. Most recently, she was in charge of government affairs for the Arctic Slope ...
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Donald Trump
Vorname "Tara" (3595)
Name "Sweeney" (700)