Taylor Dallas Person-Info 

( Ich bin Taylor Dallas)


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Guardian: Elizabeth Taylor 'ran Dallas Buyers Club-style HIV drugs network from...

Actor’s friend claims she set up scheme to procure and distribute experimental HIV medication in the early 1990s

From the Archives: Dallas Taylor dies at 66; drummer for Crosby,...

Amid the recent deaths of Eagles founding member Glenn Frey, barrier-breaking British rocker David Bowie and beloved metal great Lemmy Kilmister, some...

Update zum Unfall von Ex-UNDEROATH Sänger DALLAS TAYLOR -...

DALLAS TAYLOR, der ehemalige Sänger und Mitbegründer der Band UNDEROATH, der momentan am 5. Album seiner aktuellen Band MAYLENE & THE SONS OF DISASTER arbeitet, hatte am Dienstagabend einen schweren Unfall in Morriston, Florida.

MAYLENE AND THE SONS OF DISASTER Vocalist Dallas Taylor Seriously...

Dallas Taylor, vocalist of Maylene and the Sons of Disaster, was airlifted to a local hospital Tuesday and placed in intensive care after sustaining serious injuries on an ATV, according to his brother. Taylor, who is also the former (and founding) vocalist of Underoath, was apparently riding without a helmet ...
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