Telis Mistakidis und Glencore Person-Info 

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Glencore five land £171m | The Sunday Times
The other top winners will be Daniel Mate Badenes and Telis Mistakidis, the co-heads of the copper division. They will receive about $40m ...

EXCLUSIVE: Tycoon pays £46m for London flat (plus £3m more in › News › UK
Jan 7, · Tycoon Telis Mistakidis, head of copper at mining giant Glencore, ... Londoners will be able to book flights and trains through Uber ...

Multi-billion pound valuation of commodity giant Glencore – Channel 4...
Bigger than Tesco: the little-known commodity group Glencore prepares for a stock market flotation that could make its chief executive one of Europe's...

NZZ: Ausgesorgt bis in die Ewigkeit | NZZ

Am 24. Mai steigt die Zahl der Milliardäre in der Schweiz sprunghaft an. Dann nämlich kommt der in Baar ansässige Rohstoffhändler Glencore an die Börsen von...