Terra Jole Person-Info 

( Ich bin Terra Jole)


(1 - 4 von 14

Das Supertalent 2011: Terra ist eine „Mini – Lady Gaga“

Die Amerikanerin Terra Jole Odmark ist ein absoluter Lady Gaga – Fan und hat eine ganz besondere Show für „Das Supertalent 2011“ vorbereitet.

'Dancing With the Stars': Terra Jole sent home

One of those couples receiving two perfect scores of 30 for a total of 60 points for both dances was Terra Jole and Sasha Farber, who did a ...

'DWTS:' Laurie Hernandez weeps, Terra Jole exits in Season

Terra Jole and her professional partner Sasha Farber were eliminated from Season 23 of

Little person, big health issue: Terra Jole dances with a hernia |...

Terra Jole has touched Dancing with the Stars fans this season as the show's first little person.
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