Terry Grove Person-Info 

( Ich bin Terry Grove)


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Bid for Freetown's Terry Brook Dam upgrade awarded

[Fall River Herald News] - Grove Construction Inc., of Hopedale, received the city contract with the low bid of $ , Administrator of Public Utilities Terrance Sullivan said

Google News: Keizer's Danny Wargnier 2nd in Super Pro

[Statesman Journal] - Cottage Grove: Dustin Dittman placed second in Saturday's modified main event to Braedon Hand on Saturday. Terry Hall of Dallas placed eighth in the limited

Google News: Girls tennis preview: Knights back for more

[Sioux Falls Argus Leader] - Coach Terry Grove says there are five players battling for the remaining singles and doubles spots. "We are a young team but have some talented tennis

Google News: Anniversary: Flickinger, 40th

[Freeport Journal-Standard] at North Grove Evangelical Church on Coffman Road in rural Forreston. The omission of gifts is requested. Terry and the former Judy McClellan were
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