Terry O'Connor Person-Info 

( Ich bin Terry O'Connor)


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Brähmer kommt, schlägt, siegt: K.o. nach 83 Sekunden - n-tv.de

Das Oberhausener Publikum feierte den alten und neuen Europameister Jürgen Brähmer. Und das, obwohl er bereits in der ersten Runde seinen italienischen...

Guardian: John McDermott's defeat to Tyson Fury was a travesty of historic...

Kevin Mitchell: The verdict of the referee after Friday's English heavyweight title fight was one of the worst ever witnessed

Terry O'Connor returns to his Widnes roots

Former Great Britain prop Terry O'Connor has been appointed sporting director of his hometown club Widnes Vikings.

Coronavirus: Terry O'Connor on how clubs and players will feel impact...

Sky Sports rugby league expert Terry O'Connor on how the decision to suspend the season until at least April 3 is likely to affect clubs and players...
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